Frequently asked questions


Do you have any questions? On this page you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about our French language courses, packages and much more. Whether you’re curious about course options, how to book, or want to know more about the learning experience, you’ll find all the essential information here.

How long does a course last?

Each lesson lasts 1 hour, and you can take a one-hour individual lesson or choose the 10 -hour package for a better learning experience and a lower price.

Can more than one person take a course?

The duo option is available provided you have the same level of French for greater interactivity and the same needs in terms of the topics covered.

Can I schedule my French course(s) whenever I want?

In fact, you can choose your courses using the calendar when booking, where you'll find the available slots in French time.

Can I cancel the French course(s) I booked online free of charge?

Yes, you can cancel your class up to 48 hours before the scheduled date, directly from your personal account.
In this case, your account will be credited again for 1 hour of class. You will be able to choose a new slot from your personal account or request a refund by contacting Lily directly at
After the 48-hour deadline, the reserved class will be due, and the credit for the current package will be lost. If you are unable to attend the class, please inform me by email at

How do I connect to the teacher for my lesson?

The course takes place on the zoom platform. Once you've made your booking, you'll receive an e-mail with all the information you need to log in, together with the relevant codes.

Can I get a refund for my lesson in case of technical issue(s) or delay(s)?

I decline all responsibility in the event of malfunctions and/or technical problems, so I ask each participant to anticipate and take good care of his or her equipment and/or connection. In the event of lateness, the minutes will be deducted from the lesson time, for the smooth running of the following lessons that have been scheduled, I cannot make up for the lateness and extend the lesson.

Can I choose the topics I want for my conversational French course?

Although I am specialized in the fields of tourism and culture, the aim is for the courses to be adapted to the needs and tastes of each learner, so you can choose the topic (s) that suit you best.

Nos formules populaires

SOLO 10-hour package



DUO 10-hour package



Free trial lesson SOLO

